It’s Tuesday, March 11 and I got a little bit of a bumpy start due to a huge accident on I 25. Thank goodness I gave myself that extra hour to get there and that my sister was so patient and even pulled over to the side of the road so I could relieve my poor bladder. Yes that’s right I crouched behind the car and went for it. I mean a girl has to do what a girl has to do.
As I sit here now at the airport awaiting my flight, I reflect on how this all came to fruition. The founder of dream catcher south Africa, Anthea Rossouw, reached out to me through my website asking me to participate in this vision she had for us to do a project together. She had done my exercise program Slim in six four years prior and ever since had this dream and hope that we could make it happen.
Her email was so filled with passion to help empower the impoverished girls and women over there by creating a grass roots exercise program to integrate into their school system. I immediately said yes as I had been searching for something to not only help others and give back in a major way but to live my purpose and the highest vision for my life.
It was truly the universe answering my request and working it’s magic to manifest this amazing trip and experience into my life.
Through many months of researching African dance and movement, skyping with Anthea to get all the logistics in order, the storyboard for our vision, the production team together, the rights to music and then me piecing together the exercise program that would replicate animal movement and there every day chores and activities…here I am! On my way!
I have absolutely no idea what to expect. There are so many unknowns. One thing I know for sure is that I had to completely surrender control and give 100% of myself to this project and these girls.
I will be staying mostly with local families who were kind enough to take me in as well as staying at the dream catcher headquarters.
They are treating me to a Safari at the end of this project and I even get to stay in a treehouse!!
I encourage anyone who has a passion about creating something in their life to visualize, pray or chant NMRK, write it down and then wait for the magic and mystery of the universe to manifest it into your life.
You truly can bring about what you focus on consistently and passionately by taking action and having unwavering faith:)
I am about to board my flight to Johannesburg…stay tuned!